About the workshop
What's the Beef is a free event run in five locations across New Zealand. Workshops are on-farm and tailored to the commercial beef farmer. What's The Beef workshops are designed to educate you, as a producer, about the added value and increased profitability that breeding quality beef can have on your business. During the workshop you'll learn about:
- the importance of beef eating qualities across all breeds,
- what processors look for in a carcass,
- how nutrition management can benefit your program,
- the important role that high performance genetics plays in the equation.
What you can expect
Our industry experts will share their experience and insights to help you identify the principles and best practices of beef cattle breeding and management.
The free What’s The Beef workshop aims to help NZ Beef Farmers make informed decisions about best practice for breeding beef cattle to produce a premium product.
What you'll get from the event:
- A deeper understanding of beef cattle production systems.
- Learn more about beef cattle breeding best practices.
- Awareness of disease prevention in beef cattle.
- How to use genetics to grow profit.
- Gain insights about nutrition in beef cattle and producing high quality meat.
- Understand how to move from commodity to premium market for higher returns.
- Enjoy a free onsite BBQ to sample premium quality beef.