Investor Centre

In this section you will find information about investing in PGG Wrightson, our company's operations and financial performance.

PGG Wrightson (NZX:PGW) is listed on the main board of the New Zealand Stock Exchange. As such, it is required to comply with NZX Listing Rules. The company currently has 75,484,083 ordinary shares on issue.

To become a PGG Wrightson shareholder you can invest through an investment platform, a share broker, or a financial advisor. If you do not have a broker or a financial advisor, you can view a list of brokers on the NZX website or to find a financial advisor visit the Financial Markets Authority website.

To change your address or enquire about your shareholder statements, or if you have any other queries, contact our share registry Computershare Investor Services Limited: Private Bag 92119 Auckland 1142

T+64 9 488 8777  F +64 9 488 8787  E [email protected]

NZX NZD$1.86 0.01
As at 07/02/2025 | 06:43pm NZDT

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