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4 February 2025
Over the Farm Gate
Market Commentary

Demand likely to outweigh dairy livestock supply

Signals indicate that farmers who plan ahead and go to market early will likely be rewarded.

Payout forecasts and falling interest rates have helped sector confidence, in turn providing positive impetus for the dairy livestock market.

Dairy farmers are looking ahead to the 2025/26 season, addressing the need to source replacements.

Although the supply of stock at around this time last year was adequate, as the number of last season’s empties became apparent, numbers of cows available to purchase shortened considerably, becoming insufficient to meet rising demand. Farmers are likely to be more proactive this season, intent on ensuring their herd numbers are adequate well ahead of next year.

With pregnancy testing under way, and the broader picture becoming clearer, through the coming weeks empty rates will be closely monitored and farmers will make purchasing decisions accordingly. Across the country demand for forward contract herds and in calf heifers is already strong.

Although in the past waiting to purchase dairy cows has gone unpunished, last year availability was run down leaving some farmers short. This year the signals are that moving early is advised. Farmers will not want to be caught out again when nationwide supply levels are uncertain.

Some dairy livestock clearing sales are booked through April and early May, when cows will become available. These tend to focus on stock with genetics at the higher end. Early indications are that these will meet those expectations, though possibly not at quantities sufficient to satisfy overall demand.

If you're looking to sell or buy your dairy herd, make sure you contact our Dairy Specialists today!

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